
birthing experiences are possible and they start here!

Michelle is a Licensed Masters Social Worker in primary care providing mental and behavioral health interventions to veterans to improve their quality of life. Michelle is a firm believer in how we experience life can manifest in our bodies through medical conditions and aliments. Our mental and nutrional health play a major factor in not only how we experience life but especially impact how families experience the birthing experience.

Womb Embrace was founded on the principle of families experiencing warmth, empowerment and compassion through birth. Child birth has generated an immmese amount of fear in birthing parents due to the lack of compassion of providers the needs families of color and misinformation. The morality rates Black and Brown people are dangerously high and we deserve more from our healthcare. Michelle's goal is to help familes reclaim their power and reassure them that birth can beautiful no matter what type of birth they have. Michelle aims to educate familes on various ways to prioritize self care while still being an phenomenal parent.

Womb Embrace Doulas is a birth doula business that places a unique focus on mental and nutritional health during the perinatal period. Michelle's goal is to provide education, affirmation, empowerment and compassion in all her services. Having a focus on mental and nutritional health can enlighten parents about perinatal mood disorders and how identify the symptoms. As you can image whay you ear can influence your mood and health, Michelle can explore and review nurtuonal habits to encourage balanced food choices to help reduce the likelihood of diagnosis medical conditions directly related to nutrition habits during pregnancy.

Michelle Humbert - Founder of Womb Embrace Doulas and a Birth Doula.

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Womb Embrace's


Womb Embrace Doulas is committed to providing birthing people with compassionate support, education, awareness of perinatal mood disorders and how nutrition intersects with overall health. Our mission is to equip families with the knowledge to combat myths with facts and restore confidence in your innate birthing abilities. Womb Embrace Doulas is dedicated to liberating fear for parents to have affirming birthing experiences.

Womb Embrace's


To educate, empower and nuture a community of familes whose lives and everlasting bonds have been enriched through supportive and affirming birth work. Womb Embrace Doulas is birth work that is all about you, what matters to you, what brings you joy, what's important to you. Womb Embrace Doulas incorporates you in your care every step of the way. With Womb Embrace Doulas there is a delicate balance of empowerment, autonomy, validation, self-esteem building, empathy, and connection.



social justice