Loving on you is loving your baby: Self care in pregnancy

Self care has definitely become a buzzword, in my opinion self care is seen as a reward to yourself rather than something that you need to be the best version of you. When thinking about self care I’m sure the activities that come to mind are bubble baths, manicures or a massage. Now all those things can be self care but I feel that it is so much more greater than what you do for appearance. Self care is a practice of preservation, a practice of taking action to improve your health and lifestyle. Self care is comprehensive, not one dimensional. All living beings need to pour back into ourselves in order to grow. If we dont you might feel stuck or lost maybe like you’re on autopilot (i.e survival mode). Most often our lack of self care is a reflection of mental health and wellbeing.

At any point in life this can be true for any one person. For pregnant people it can be pretty challenging to execute. During pregnancy due to physical discomfort, hormonal changes, and the demands of preparing for a new baby. Many pregnant folks may prioritize the needs of their growing baby over their own self-care needs. That’s exactly why self care needs a little more tlc attached to it. Sometimes it can be setting boundaries (not just for others but yourself too),limiting screen time, disengaging from the news, singing, dancing, completing a budget, setting goals, improving your eating habits or journaling. It can literally be whatever you want it to be but it does need be a practice. Not break in case of emergency…life does not stop so if you’re not practicing self care regularly it can feel like a reward or privilege since that is what you have conditioned yourself to view it as. Here are 4 easy ways to incorporate more functional and intentional self practices in you life whether you’re pregnant or not:

1.Use your time wisely. Are there times in your day you can split your time or attention? How about washing dishes or cooking, listening to music or a podcast. In the shower do a meditation and some stretches. 

2.Start small. You can start small with the amount of time you invest into self care if you spend 10 minutes a day doing something that allows you to unwind and be present. You want this to be sustainable so start small and build up.

3.Lean on your loved ones that support you. If you have friends and/or friends you can connect with, add them to your self care. Whether it’s on facetime, zoom or phone, having that additional support can make a world of a difference. It can be good for accountability too. 

4.Adjust your routine as needed. You might hit some bumps in the self care road. That’s okay, again we’re talking about practicing. It’s all trial and error, what may have worked in one part of your life might not in the next.